第八届电力工程与自动化国际研讨会(PEAM 2025)将于2025年4月19-21日在中国桂林举行。本次会议聚焦电力工程与自动化等领域的前沿研究,旨在为业内专家学者分享技术进步和业务经验,提供一个交流的平台。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们的最新研究成果及应用。
桂林是世界著名风景游览城市、万年智慧圣地,是国务院批复确定的中国对外开放国际旅游城市、全国旅游创新发展先行区和国际旅游综合交通枢纽,截至2019年,全市下辖6区10县、代管1个县级市、总面积2.78万平方公里,建成区面积162平方千米,常住人口530余万,城镇人口247.34万人,城镇化率55%。桂林地处中国华南,湘桂走廊南端,是中央军委桂林联勤保障中心驻地、国家可持续发展议程创新示范区、 中国旅游业态风向标,联合国世界旅游组织/亚太旅游协会旅游趋势与展望国际论坛永久举办地,是泛珠江三角洲经济区与东盟自由贸易区战略交汇的重要节点城市。桂林是首批国家历史文化名城,广西历史上最早的文化教育中心,1201年,著名诗人王正功赋诗“桂林山水甲天下”。拥有世界自然遗产桂林山水、世界灌溉遗产灵渠,甑皮岩是桂林向世界展现中华民族“万年智慧”的历史文化名片,甑皮岩发现的陶雏器填补世界陶器起源空白,是中国制陶技术重要的起源地之一。
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第八届电力工程与自动化国际研讨会(PEAM 2025)将于2025年4月19-21日在中国桂林举行。本次大会旨在为业内专家学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦电力工程与自动化领域的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。
Advanced Power Generation Technologies
Bio-energy Technologies, Process and Utilization
Combined cycle power plants
Combined heat and power
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles
Electrical Machines & Drives
Electricity networks and electricity-generating technologies
Energy Conversion
Fuel Cell Technology
Gas turbine–based power generation
Geothermal and Tidal Wave Energy
Grid-connected photovoltaic system
Hybrid energy systems
Hydropower and intermittent renewable generation
Marine power generation technologies
Ocean thermal energy conversion
Photovoltaic for Solar Power Applications
Photovoltaic hybrid system
Plasma Technology
Power system energy storage technologies
Renewable energy and distributed generation
Safe Nuclear Energy Generation and Utilization
Thermal Power Technologies and Applications
Tidal power plant design
Traditional coal-fired power generation technology
Waste Products as Fuel
Wind Power Generation and Utilization
Electronic Power Transmission and Distribution
Advanced Distribution and SCADA Technologies
Asynchronous generation and interconnect
DC transmission and distribution
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Power Systems
Electromagnetic Transient in High Voltage Power Systems
Electronic power transformers and switchgear
Flexible electronic transmission
Grid codes, polices and standards
Grid protection, fault management and isolation
Grid reliability, resiliency and security
Harmonics and power quality
High Voltage Engineering & Technology
HVDC and Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS)
Insulation Condition Monitoring in Power Systems
Over-voltage, Lightning Protection and Grounding
Plasma Physics and the Pulsed Power Technology
Power system stability, control, and frequency regulation
Structured microgrids and standalone power systems
Ultra High Voltage (UHV) Technologies
Smart Grids and Intelligent Energy Systems
Agent-based Simulation of Grid Environments and Markets
Application of Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS)
Automated Negotiation for Grid Resource Allocation
Control Strategies for Modern Power System Stability
Economic Models of Energy Efficiency
Energy conservation
Energy Monitoring
Engineering of Grid Markets and Grid Architectures
Integrated Substation Automation Technologies
Integration of (distributed) stochastic energy generation
Load Modeling, Estimation and Forecast
Modeling and Simulation of Large Power Systems
Modeling of complex energy systems
Modeling of Grid Environments
Online Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis System
Optimization Techniques for Efficient Energy Consumption
Power System Analysis and Optimization
Power System Monitoring and Mitigation Technologies
Power System Planning and Operation
Resource Allocation in Grid Scenarios Using Agent-based Approaches