Dr. YAN Li takes the dual appointment as Professor of Practice in Strategic Management & Business Policy, and Director of Executive Education in International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) at Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University (XJTLU). Prior to this position, he was Senior Lecturer of Strategic Management at Lee Kong Chian School of Business (LKCSB) and Program Director, in Executive Development (SMU-ExD) at Singapore Management University. Li YAN came to Singapore from Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance (SAIF), Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), where he was Director of Executive Education, leading the Program Design Team and the Custom Program Team. He also worked for Executive Education in China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), and École des Hautes études commerciales (HEC, Montréal), Canada. Li YAN’s primary research areas include strategic management, international business, change management, complexity management, and emotional management from an institutional perspective with qualitative and historical approaches focusing on state-owned-enterprises. Besides his research and teaching, Li YAN took the leading role in many corporate programmes tailor-made for global and Asia-Pacific regional headquarters. MNC clients include Merck, Jaguar Land Rover, Nestlé, Towers Watson, Omnicom, L’Oréal, AB-InBev and GM. Government and SOEs clients include SASAC (国资委), Shanghai Municipality Government (上海市政府), China Datang International (大唐国际), China State Grid (国家电网), Huaneng International (华能国际), China Power Investment (中电投资), and China Three Gorges (三峡总公司). Li YAN holds a Ph.D. in Administration from HEC Montréal, Canada, and Master of Business Administration (MBA) from ESG Paris, France.