Daqing Ma is a Reader and Head of Anaesthesia Research of the Section of Anaesthetics, Pain Medicine & Intensive Care, Department of Surgery & Cancer, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London, and Head of Anaesthetics at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UK. He has more than 150 publications of original articles being published in the English peer reviewed journals (e.g. PNAS, Annals of Neurology, Annals of Surgery, BMJ, JASN, Kidney International, The FASEB Journal, Critical Care Medicine, Anesthesiology and etc.) covering research fields of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology, Neuroscience, Neurology and Nephrology. He is a fellow elect of Royal College of Anaesthetists (UK). He is a Board Member of British Journal of Anaesthesia and a council member of Anaesthetic Research Society (UK). He is an Academic Editor of PLoS One and an Associate Editor of Journal Alzheimer Disease and Editorial Board Member of other 5 journals.