Anna Maria Siega-Riz,M.D.,Ph.D. of School Public Health,University of Virginia. Dr. Siega-Riz holds a BSPH from the University of North Carolina School of Public Health, a MS in Food, Nutrition & Food Service Management from UNC Greensboro, and a PhD in Nutrition with a minor in Epidemiology from the University of North Carolina School of Public Health. She held the credentials of a registered dietitian from 1983-2014. At UVA, she is helping to establish a pregnancy database with colleagues in obstetrics and nursing that will serve as bio-repository for future studies related to the first 1000 days mission. She will be teaching a new course examining the health disadvantage of the US compared to other high-income countries in Spring 2017.
Anna Maria Siega-Riz简历_School Public Health,University of Virginiaph.D.Anna Maria Siega-Riz受邀参会演讲_活动家