Dr. Zhao's lab mainly studies the protective effect of postconditioning against stroke. Reperfusion (the restoration of blood flow) is one of the first choices for ischemic stroke treatment. However, reperfusion can also cause overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals that lead to reperfusion injury. Limiting the damage caused by reperfusion is a key issue for stroke treatment. Dr. Zhao's lab members were the first to demonstrate that interrupting the early hyperemic response after reperfusion reduces infarction after stroke, a novel phenomenon called postconditioning. Since postconditioning is performed after reperfusion, it has great potential for clinical application. In addition, we also study protective effect of preconditioning and mild hypothermia. The rationale for studying three means of neuroprotection is that we may discover mechanisms that these treatments have in common. Conversely, if they have differing mechanisms, we will be able to offer more than one treatment for stroke and increase a patients chance for recovery. The lab's researches include studying roles of caspase-dependent and independent apoptotic pathway, PKC pathways and Akt pathway, among others, in the ischemic damage development after stroke.
Heng Zhao简历_斯坦福大学医学院神经外科副教授Heng Zhao受邀参会演讲_活动家